Friday, April 19, 2013

How To Compile Gromacs 4.6.1 with OpenMPI 1.6.4 on CentOS

I took the following notes while installing Gromacs 4.6.1 recently. Hopefully others will find them useful. The software was compiled and installed on a CentOS 5.9 x86_64 containing QDR Infiniband. The system uses SGE (Grid Engine) as it's scheduler. Intel compilers 13.1.1 were used to compile both OpenMPI and Gromacs.

Intel Compilers

I used version 13.1.1 of the Intel compilers. I'm including the module file here for reference

set ver 13.1.1
set arch intel64

set root /share/apps/intel/parallel_studio_xe_2013_update3/composer_xe_2013.3.163
set ccroot /opt/intel/Compiler/$ver/$ccver
set fcroot /opt/intel/Compiler/$ver/$fcver
set mklroot $root/mkl

set msg "This module adds Intel compilers v$ver to various paths"

proc ModulesHelp { } {
   puts stderr $msg

module-whatis   $msg

setenv MKLROOT $mklroot
prepend-path MANPATH $root/man/en_US
prepend-path INTEL_LICENSE_FILE $root/licenses

prepend-path NLSPATH $root/compiler/lib/$arch/locale/en_US:$root/ipp/lib/$arch/locale/en_US:$root/mkl/lib/$arch/locale/en_US:$root/debugger/lib/$arch/locale/en_US

prepend-path LIBRARY_PATH $root/compiler/lib/$arch:$root/ipp/lib/$arch:$root/mkl/lib/$arch:$root/tbb/lib/$arch/gcc4.1
prepend-path MIC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH $root/compiler/lib/mic:$root/mkl/lib/mic:$root/tbb/lib/mic
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $root/compiler/lib/$arch:$root/mpirt/lib/$arch:$root/ipp/lib/$arch:$root/mkl/lib/$arch:$root/tbb/lib/$arch/gcc4.1
prepend-path PATH $root/bin/$arch:$root/mpirt/bin/$arch:$root/bin/${arch}_mic:$root/debugger/gui/$arch

prepend-path CPATH $root/mkl/include:$root/tbb/include
prepend-path INCLUDE $root/mkl/include

prepend-path IPPROOT $root/ipp
prepend-path TBBROOT $root/tbb
prepend-path IDB_HOME $root/bin/$arch

Build OpenMPI 1.6.4

First, build the latest OpenMPI with the Intel compilers. This version of OpenMPI will reside in the Gromacs 4.6.1 install path.
  1. Create the install base directory
    cd /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/build
  2. Create the build script for Intel compilers: /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/build/
    . /etc/profile.d/
    if [ -d $prefix ]; then
      echo "Installation directory already exists, exiting to prevent overwrite: $prefix";
      exit 1
      echo "Verified installation directory does not exist: $prefix"
    if [ ! -f $src ]; then
      echo "Downloading source code from: $url";
      wget $url;
      echo "Using existing source code: $src";
    if [ -d "openmpi-${rel}" ]; then
      echo "Removing existing build directory ./openmpi-${rel}"
      rm -rf openmpi-${rel};
    echo "Extracting $src"
    tar -jxf $src
    cd openmpi-${rel}
    echo "Building OpenMPI $rel for Intel compilers"
    echo "Running configure"
    module purge
    module load intel/intel-compilers-13.1.1
    CC=icc CXX=icpc F77=ifort FC=ifort ./configure --with-sge --with-openib --prefix=$prefix --enable-static --enable-shared
    make all install
    module purge
    cd ..
  3. Run the compile and install
    ./ | tee openmpi-1.6.4-intel.log
  4. Create the module file (based off of [ this example]) in the Gromacs base directory
    mkdir -p /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/modulefiles/gromacs-openmpi-intel
    vim /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/modulefiles/gromacs-openmpi-intel/1.6.4
    ## $name modulefile
    # /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/openmpi/1.6.4-intel/bin
    # /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/openmpi/gromacs-openmpi-intel/1.6.4-intel/bin
    set ver [lrange [split [ module-info name ] / ] 1 1 ]
    set name [lrange [split [ module-info name ] / ] 0 0 ]
    set loading [module-info mode load]
    set subname [lrange [split $name - ] 0 0 ]
    #set compiler [lrange [split $name - ] 1 1 ]
    set compiler "intel"
    set compilerver "13.1.1"
    proc ModulesHelp { } {
      puts stderr "\tThis module sets the envinronment for $name v$ver compiled\n\twith Intel v13.1.1 compilers"
    module-whatis   "Set environment variables to use $name version $ver"
    if { $loading && ![ is-loaded $compiler/$compilerver ] } {
      module load $compiler/$compilerver
    set basedir /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/openmpi/${ver}-$compiler
    prepend-path --delim " " CPPFLAGS -I$basedir/include
    prepend-path --delim " " LDFLAGS -L$basedir/lib
    prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $basedir/lib
    prepend-path MANPATH $basedir/share/man
    prepend-path PATH $basedir/bin
    setenv  MPI_DIR         $basedir/
    setenv  MPI_HOME        $basedir/
    setenv  OPENMPI_ROOT    $basedir/
  5. Run a test
    • Create the input C file /share/apps/openmpi/build/mpi-helloworld.c
      #include <stdio>
      #include <string>
      #include <stddef>
      #include <stdlib>
      #include "mpi.h"
      main(int argc, char **argv ) {
          int rank, size;
          int buflen = 512;
          char name[buflen];
          MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
          MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
          gethostname(name, buflen);
          printf( "P rank %d of %d, host %s\n", rank, size, name);
    • Compile mpi-helloworld.c
      module load /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/modulefiles/gromacs-openmpi-intel/1.6.4
      mpicc -o mpi-helloworld-intel mpi-helloworld.c
    • run it as a job
      module purge
      module load /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/modulefiles/gromacs-openmpi-intel/1.6.4
      qsub -V -b y \
         -l h_rt=00:15:00 \
         -l vf=256M \
         -j y \
         -pe openmpi\* 8 \
         mpirun -n 8 /share/apps/openmpi/build/mpi-helloworld-intel  

Build Gromacs 4.6.1

Official Gromacs 4.6 build instructions They have changed dramatically from versions 4.5 and prior. One requirement listed is that we need CMake version 2.8 or later. EPEL provides CMake 2.6.4, so we'll need to build CMake from scratch.
  1. Download the latest CMake from here:
    sudo mkdir /share/apps/cmake
    sudo chown mhanby:atlab /share/apps/cmake
    cd /share/apps/cmake
    tar -zxf cmake- 
  2. Create the build directory and download the source
    mkdir -p /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/build
    cd /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/build
    tar -zxf gromacs-4.6.1.tar.gz 
    mkdir gromacs-4.6.1/build
    cd gromacs-4.6.1/build
  3. Create the module files
    mkdir /share/apps/modulefiles/gromacs-intel
    vim /share/apps/modulefiles/gromacs-intel/4.6.1
    set ver 4.6.1
    set app "Gromacs"
    set url ""
    set approot /share/apps/gromacs/$ver
    set msg "This module adds $app v$ver to various paths\nWebsite: $url\n\n"
    proc ModulesHelp { } {
       puts stderr $msg
    module-whatis  $msg
    module use --append $approot/modulefiles
    module load intel/13.1.1
    #module load $approot/modulefiles/gromacs-openmpi-intel/1.6.4
    module load gromacs-openmpi-intel/1.6.4
    setenv GROMACSHOME $approot
    #setenv MKL_HOME $::env(MKLROOT)
    prepend-path PATH $approot/bin
    prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $approot/lib
    prepend-path MANPATH $approot/man
    prepend-path MODULEPATH $approot/modulefiles
    prepend-path PKG_CONFIG_PATH $approot/lib/pkgconfig
  4. The next steps will build single and double precision in serial and parallel
    • Serial single precision
      1. Run cmake to configure the build
        module purge
        module load gromacs-intel/4.6.1
        export PATH=/share/apps/cmake/cmake-$PATH
        cd /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/build/gromacs-4.6.1/build
        rm -rf *
        cmake .. \
           -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=icc \
           -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=icpc \
           -DGMX_BUILD_OWN_FFTW=ON \
           -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1 \
      2. View the configuration
        ccmake ..
         BUILD_SHARED_LIBS                ON
         CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE                 Release
         CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX             /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1
         CUDA_HOST_COMPILER               /share/apps/intel/parallel_studio_xe_2013_update3/composer_xe_2013.3.163/bin/intel64/icc
         GMX_CPU_ACCELERATION             SSE4.1
         GMX_DEFAULT_SUFFIX               ON
         GMX_DOUBLE                       OFF
         GMX_FFT_LIBRARY                  fftw3
         GMX_GPU                          OFF
         GMX_GSL                          OFF
         GMX_MPI                          OFF
         GMX_OPENMP                       ON
         GMX_QMMM_PROGRAM                 none
         GMX_THREAD_MPI                   ON
         GMX_X11                          OFF
         REGRESSIONTEST_DOWNLOAD          OFF                              
      3. make
      4. Run the tests
        make check
        [ 70%] Built target gmx
        [ 71%] Built target gmxfftw
        [ 80%] Built target md
        [ 92%] Built target gmxana
        [ 92%] Built target editconf
        [ 96%] Built target gmxpreprocess
        [ 97%] Built target grompp
        [ 97%] Built target pdb2gmx
        [ 97%] Built target gmxcheck
        [100%] Built target mdrun
        [100%] Built target gmxtests
        Test project /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/build/gromacs-4.6.1/build
            Start 1: regressiontests/simple
        1/5 Test #1: regressiontests/simple ...........   Passed   72.17 sec
            Start 2: regressiontests/complex
        2/5 Test #2: regressiontests/complex ..........   Passed  868.76 sec
            Start 3: regressiontests/kernel
        3/5 Test #3: regressiontests/kernel ...........   Passed  583.48 sec
            Start 4: regressiontests/freeenergy
        4/5 Test #4: regressiontests/freeenergy .......   Passed  695.84 sec
            Start 5: regressiontests/pdb2gmx
        5/5 Test #5: regressiontests/pdb2gmx ..........   Passed  379.29 sec
        100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 5
        Total Test time (real) = 2599.69 sec
        [100%] Built target check
      5. Install
        make install
        -- Installing: /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/lib/pkgconfig/libgmxana.pc
        -- Installing: /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/bin/GMXRC
        -- Installing: /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/bin/GMXRC.bash
        -- Installing: /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/bin/GMXRC.zsh
        -- Installing: /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/bin/GMXRC.csh
        -- Installing: /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/bin/completion.csh
        -- Installing: /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/bin/completion.bash
        -- Installing: /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/bin/completion.zsh
        -- Installing: /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/bin/
        -- Installing: /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/bin/
    • Serial double precision (will append _d to applicable installed files, example, mdrun_d)
      1. Run cmake to configure the build
        module purge
        module load gromacs-intel/4.6.1
        export PATH=/share/apps/cmake/cmake-$PATH
        cd /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/build/gromacs-4.6.1/build
        rm -rf *
        cmake .. \
           -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=icc \
           -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=icpc \
           -DGMX_BUILD_OWN_FFTW=ON \
           -DGMX_DOUBLE=ON \
           -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1 \
      2. View the configuration
        ccmake ..
         BUILD_SHARED_LIBS                ON
         CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE                 Release
         CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX             /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1
         GMX_CPU_ACCELERATION             SSE4.1
         GMX_DEFAULT_SUFFIX               ON
         GMX_DOUBLE                       ON
         GMX_FFT_LIBRARY                  fftw3
         GMX_GPU                          OFF
         GMX_GSL                          OFF
         GMX_MPI                          OFF
         GMX_OPENMP                       ON
         GMX_QMMM_PROGRAM                 none
         GMX_THREAD_MPI                   ON
         GMX_X11                          OFF
      3. make
      4. Run the tests
        make check
        Test project /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/build/gromacs-4.6.1/build
            Start 1: regressiontests/simple
        1/5 Test #1: regressiontests/simple ...........   Passed    3.33 sec
            Start 2: regressiontests/complex
        2/5 Test #2: regressiontests/complex ..........   Passed    6.80 sec
            Start 3: regressiontests/kernel
        3/5 Test #3: regressiontests/kernel ...........   Passed   52.89 sec
            Start 4: regressiontests/freeenergy
        4/5 Test #4: regressiontests/freeenergy .......   Passed    9.19 sec
            Start 5: regressiontests/pdb2gmx
        5/5 Test #5: regressiontests/pdb2gmx ..........   Passed   22.82 sec
        100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 5
        Total Test time (real) =  95.08 sec
        [100%] Built target check
      5. Install
        make install
    • Parallel single precision (will append _mpi to applicable installed files, example, mdrun_mpi)
      1. Run cmake to configure the build
        module purge
        module load gromacs-intel/4.6.1
        export PATH=/share/apps/cmake/cmake-$PATH
        cd /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/build/gromacs-4.6.1/build
        rm -rf *
        cmake .. \
           -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=icc \
           -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=icpc \
           -DGMX_BUILD_OWN_FFTW=ON \
           -DGMX_MPI=ON \
           -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1 \
      2. View the configuration
        ccmake ..
         BUILD_SHARED_LIBS                ON
         CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE                 Release
         CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX             /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1
         CUDA_HOST_COMPILER               /share/apps/intel/parallel_studio_xe_2013_update3/composer_xe_2013.3.163/bin/intel64/icc
         GMX_CPU_ACCELERATION             SSE4.1
         GMX_DEFAULT_SUFFIX               ON
         GMX_DOUBLE                       OFF
         GMX_FFT_LIBRARY                  fftw3
         GMX_GPU                          OFF
         GMX_GSL                          OFF
         GMX_MPI                          ON
         GMX_OPENMP                       ON
         GMX_QMMM_PROGRAM                 none
         GMX_THREAD_MPI                   OFF
         GMX_X11                          OFF
         MPI_EXTRA_LIBRARY                /usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;
         MPI_LIBRARY                      /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/openmpi/1.6.4-intel/lib/
      3. make
      4. Run the tests
        make check
        Test project /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/build/gromacs-4.6.1/build
            Start 1: regressiontests/simple
        1/5 Test #1: regressiontests/simple ...........   Passed   22.68 sec
            Start 2: regressiontests/complex
        2/5 Test #2: regressiontests/complex ..........   Passed   29.49 sec
            Start 3: regressiontests/kernel
        3/5 Test #3: regressiontests/kernel ...........   Passed  222.08 sec
            Start 4: regressiontests/freeenergy
        4/5 Test #4: regressiontests/freeenergy .......   Passed   19.17 sec
            Start 5: regressiontests/pdb2gmx
        5/5 Test #5: regressiontests/pdb2gmx ..........   Passed   75.39 sec
        100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 5
        Total Test time (real) = 368.83 sec
        [100%] Built target check
      5. Install
        make install
    • Parallel double precision (will append _mpi_d to applicable installed files, example, mdrun_mpi_d)
      1. Run cmake to configure the build
        module purge
        module load gromacs-intel/4.6.1
        export PATH=/share/apps/cmake/cmake-$PATH
        cd /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/build/gromacs-4.6.1/build
        rm -rf *
        cmake .. \
           -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=icc \
           -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=icpc \
           -DGMX_BUILD_OWN_FFTW=ON \
           -DGMX_MPI=ON \
           -DGMX_DOUBLE=ON \
           -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1 \
      2. View the configuration
        ccmake ..
         BUILD_SHARED_LIBS                ON 
         CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE                 Release
         CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX             /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1
         GMX_CPU_ACCELERATION             SSE4.1
         GMX_DEFAULT_SUFFIX               ON
         GMX_DOUBLE                       ON
         GMX_FFT_LIBRARY                  fftw3
         GMX_GPU                          OFF
         GMX_GSL                          OFF
         GMX_MPI                          ON
         GMX_OPENMP                       ON
         GMX_QMMM_PROGRAM                 none
         GMX_THREAD_MPI                   OFF
         GMX_X11                          OFF
         MPI_EXTRA_LIBRARY                /usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/                       
         MPI_LIBRARY                      /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/openmpi/1.6.4-intel/lib/
      3. make
      4. Run the tests
        make check
        Test project /share/apps/gromacs/4.6.1/build/gromacs-4.6.1/build
            Start 1: regressiontests/simple
        1/5 Test #1: regressiontests/simple ...........   Passed   22.65 sec
            Start 2: regressiontests/complex
        2/5 Test #2: regressiontests/complex ..........   Passed   32.25 sec
            Start 3: regressiontests/kernel
        3/5 Test #3: regressiontests/kernel ...........   Passed  232.23 sec
            Start 4: regressiontests/freeenergy
        4/5 Test #4: regressiontests/freeenergy .......   Passed   21.13 sec
            Start 5: regressiontests/pdb2gmx
        5/5 Test #5: regressiontests/pdb2gmx ..........   Passed   82.39 sec
        100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 5
        Total Test time (real) = 390.67 sec
        [100%] Built target check
      5. Install
        make install