Saturday, March 1, 2008

LaCrosse WS2308 Weather Station

I installed a LaCrosse WS2308 weather station with the idea of having my CentOS 5 Linux server uploading the data from the WS2308 to Weather Underground ( If you are a techie, you've gotta see the coolness of logging into Weather Underground and seeing live weather data at your house. My station's link:

The WS2308 comes with Windows software, not much help on CentOS (maybe it'd work with Wine?) and connects to the PC via serial cable. LaCrosse is kind enough to offer a free high quality serial to USB adapter available upon request. Luckily, my server is old enough to have serial ports (although I did order the free USB adapter, I couldn't get it to work. dmesg showed it identified but I couldn't communicate with the device).

I tried several software packages and settled on a perl script called This script uses the module Device::LaCrosse::WS23xx to query the WS2308. I decided to update the script to extract additional information as well as a simultaneous upload to a MySQL database.

Here's the updated script, unfortunately wraps long lines so for the script to work you'll need to account for that):

# Weather Underground PWS Upload Script for Lacrosse WS23xx weather stations over serial device
# Contributed by Kenneth Brown 12/2007
# Use settings below -- must edit idline, freq (to match cron frequency), and possibly serial
# Example cron entry to fire off uploads (if you install this script into /usr/local/bin)
# 0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /usr/local/bin/ >> wu-log.log
# usage - cron this for at least a one minute run, my serial port takes between 5-10 seconds to report the values on average.#
# perl/c + modules installed on FC7 x86 w/ standard development libraries, tested on usb-serial connection
# GPL - original code, K Brown 11/30/07
# Updated by FlakRat
# - Changed from collecting local time to gmtime, that's apparently what WeatherUnderground is expecting
# - Added a $debug option that will provide more verbose logging
# - Modified verbose output to mask the password
# - Added 2 settings that will output a mysql insert statement to stdout, and a second that will insert the data
# into a mysql database. This has the advantage of importing into a local db and uploading to WeatherU during
# the same command execution

### these modules are on :

use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use Device::LaCrosse::WS23xx;
use Mysql;

### define wu sites

my $wuurl = ""; ## standard update ( deprecated)
my $rturl = ""; ## real-time update

### specify these items ->
my $idline = "ID=&PASSWORD="; ### plaintext password over http - insecure !
my $freq = 300; ### update frequency in seconds
#my $serial = "/dev/ttyUSB0"; ### serial port, in this case a keyspan serial->usb
my $serial = "/dev/ttyS0"; ### serial port, in this case a keyspan serial->serial

my $nosend = 0; ### 1 for testing, don't upload
my $verbose = 0; ### 1 for testing cmd line, or write to stdout for sending to a log
my $debug = 0; ### 1 for debugging cmd line more than just verbose, or write to stdout for sending to a log
my $mysqlout = 0; ### 1 to output to stdout a SQL INSERT statement, this can be piped into a file for future insertion into MySQL
my $mysqlinsert = 1; ### 1 to insert the data into MySQL

### MySQL Info
my $host = "localhost";
my $database = "weather";
my $tablename = "weather_history";
my $mysqluser = "";
my $mysqlpass = "";

### get the data
my $ws = Device::LaCrosse::WS23xx->new($serial)
or die "Cannot communicate with $serial: $!\n";
#my $ws = Device::LaCrosse::WS23xx->new($serial,trace => '/tmp/wu-upload.trace')
# or die "Cannot communicate with $serial: $!\n";

die "wireless connection failure\n" unless ( $ws->get("Outdoor_Temperature","F"));

#@then = localtime($ws->get("Date/Time_last_record_datetime"));
#@then = localtime(time);
# localtime returns CST on my system, we want UTC
@then = gmtime(time);

$dateutc=sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$then[5]+1900,$then[4]+1,$then[3],$then[2],$then[1],$then[0]);
print "dateutc: $dateutc\n" if $debug;
$dateutc = "&dateutc=$dateutc";
$winddir = $ws->get("Wind_Direction");
print "winddir: $winddir\n" if $debug;
$windspeedmph = $ws->get("Wind_Speed","mph");
#$windspeedmph = $ws->get("Wind_Speed");
print "windspeedmph: $windspeedmph\n" if $debug;
#$windgustmph = $ws->get("Wind_Gust","mph");
#print "windgustmph: $windgustmph\n" if $debug;
$tempf = $ws->get("Outdoor_Temperature","F");
print "tempf: $tempf\n" if $debug;
$rainin = $ws->get("Rain_1hour","in");
print "rainin: $rainin\n" if $debug;
$dailyrainin = $ws->get("Rain_24hour","in");
print "dailyrainin: $dailyrainin\n" if $debug;
$baromin = $ws->get("Absolute_Pressure","inHg");
print "baromin: $baromin\n" if $debug;
$dewptf = $ws->get("Dewpoint","F");
print "dewptf: $dewptf\n" if $debug;
$humidity = $ws->get("Outdoor_Humidity");
print "humidity: $humidity\n" if $debug;

my $timestamp_gmt = sprintf("%4d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d",$then[5]+1900,$then[4]+1,$then[3],$then[2],$then[1],$then[0]);
my $rec_date = sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d",$then[5]+1900,$then[4]+1,$then[3]);
my $rec_time = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d",$then[2],$then[1],$then[0]);
my $temp_in = $ws->get("Indoor_Temperature","F");
my $temp_out = $ws->get("Outdoor_Temperature","F");
my $dewpoint = $ws->get("Dewpoint","F");
my $rel_hum_in = $ws->get("Indoor_Humidity");
my $rel_hum_out = $ws->get("Outdoor_Humidity");
my $windspeed = $ws->get("Wind_Speed","mph");
my $wind_angle = "";
my $wind_direction = $ws->get("Wind_Direction");
my $wind_chill = $ws->get("Windchill","F");
my $rain_1h = $ws->get("Rain_1hour","in");
my $rain_24h = $ws->get("Rain_24hour","in");
my $rain_total = $ws->get("Rain_Total","in");
my $abs_pressure = $ws->get("Absolute_Pressure","inHg");
my $rel_pressure = $ws->get("Relative_Pressure","inHg");
my $tendency = $ws->get("Tendency");
my $forecast = $ws->get("Forecast");
my $myquery =
"INSERT INTO $tablename " .
"(timestamp_gmt,rec_date,rec_time,temp_in,temp_out,dewpoint,rel_hum_in,rel_hum_out,windspeed,wind_direction,wind_chill,rain_1h,rain_24h,rain_total,abs_pressure,rel_pressure,tendency,forecast) " .
print "$myquery\n" if $mysqlout;

if ($mysqlinsert) {
$connect = Mysql->connect($host, $database, $mysqluser, $mysqlpass);


$execute = $connect->query($myquery);

my $url =
$idline .
"&dateutc=$dateutc" .
"&winddir=$winddir" .
"&windspeedmph=$windspeedmph" .
"&tempf=$tempf" .
"&baromin=$baromin" .
"&dewptf=$dewptf" .
"&humidity=$humidity" .

##### change above realtime var if you change the url, only the new one supports it

my $now = `date`;
my $urlmask = "$url";
$urlmask =~ s/PASSWORD=[a-zA-Z0-9]*&/PASSWORD=xxxxxxxxxx&/;
print "$now: send $urlmask\n" if $verbose;

unless ( $nosend ) {
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "$rturl$url");
$resp = $ua->simple_request($req);
$response = $resp->content;

my $now = `date`;
# print "$response\n" if $verbose;
print "$now: $response\n" if $verbose;
die "$response\n" unless ( $response =~ /success/i ) ;


###### data section contains constants,units for input and output



get($;$) func param 1

Indoor_Temperature C
Min_Indoor_Temperature C
Max_Indoor_Temperature C
Min_Indoor_Temperature_datetime time_t
Max_Indoor_Temperature_datetime time_t
Low_Alarm_Indoor_Temperature C
High_Alarm_Indoor_Temperature C
Outdoor_Temperature C
Min_Outdoor_Temperature C
Max_Outdoor_Temperature C
Min_Outdoor_Temperature_datetime time_t
Max_Outdoor_Temperature_datetime time_t
Low_Alarm_Outdoor_Temperature C
High_Alarm_Outdoor_Temperature C
Windchill C
Min_Windchill C
Max_Windchill C
Min_Windchill_datetime time_t
Max_Windchill_datetime time_t
Low_Alarm_Windchill C
High_Alarm_Windchill C
Dewpoint C
Min_Dewpoint C
Max_Dewpoint C
Min_Dewpoint_datetime time_t
Max_Dewpoint_datetime time_t
Low_Alarm_Dewpoint C
High_Alarm_Dewpoint C
Indoor_Humidity %
Min_Indoor_Humidity %
Max_Indoor_Humidity %
Min_Indoor_Humidity_datetime time_t
Max_Indoor_Humidity_datetime time_t
Low_Alarm_Indoor_Humidity %
High_Alarm_Indoor_Humidity %
Outdoor_Humidity %
Min_Outdoor_Humidity %
Max_Outdoor_Humidity %
Min_Outdoor_Humidity_datetime time_t
Max_Outdoor_Humidity_datetime time_t
Low_Alarm_Outdoor_Humidity %
High_Alarm_Outdoor_Humidity %
Rain_24hour mm
Max_Rain_24hour mm
Max_Rain_24hour_datetime time_t
Rain_1hour mm
Max_Rain_1hour mm
Max_Rain_1hour_datetime time_t
Rain_Total mm
Rain_Total_datetime time_t
Min__wind m/s
Max__wind m/s
Min_Date/Time_wind_datetime time_t
Max_Date/Time_wind_datetime time_t
Wind_Speed m/s
Wind_Direction degrees
Low_wind_alarm_setting m/s
High_wind_alarm_setting m/s
Countdown_time_to_next_datBinary seconds
Absolute_Pressure hPa
Relative_Pressure hPa
Pressure_Correction hPa
Min_Absolute_Pressure hPa
Min_Relative_Pressure hPa
Max_Absolute_Pressure hPa
Max_Relative_Pressure hPa
Min_Pressure_datetime time_t
Max_Pressure_datetime time_t
Low_Alarm_Pressure hPa
High_Alarm_Pressure hPa
History_saving_interval minutes
Countdown_to_next_saving minutes
Date/Time_last_record_datetime time_t

Only a few reasonable UNIT conversions are available

get($;$) function param 2:

From To
---- --
hPa inHh, mmHg
m/s kph, mph, kt
mm in

Here is the URL used in the uploading (if you go here without parameters
you will get a brief usage): ## real time updates ( preferred )

Here is the usage that will be displayed with blank parameters:
action [action=updateraw]
ID [ID as registered by]
PASSWORD [PASSWORD registered with this ID]
dateutc - [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (mysql format)]
winddir - [0-360]
windspeedmph - [mph]
windgustmph - [windgustmph ]
humidity - [%]
tempf - [temperature F]
rainin - [rain in (hourly)] -- the accumulated rainfall in the past 60 mins
dailyrainin - [rain so far today in localtime]
baromin - [barom in]
dewptf- [dewpoint F]
weather - [text] -- metar style (+RA)
clouds - [text] -- SKC, FEW, SCT, BKN, OVC
soiltempf - [temp F]
soilmoisture - [%]
leafwetness - [%]
solarradiation - [MJ/m^2]
UV - [index]
visibility - [nm]
softwaretype - [text] ie: vws or weatherdisplay
#realtime http only
rtfreq - frequency in seconds for nominal update

The MySQL table is defined below. I create a new database called "weather" and create the weather_history table in the new database.

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `weather_history`;
CREATE TABLE `weather_history` (
`timestamp_gmt` bigint(14) NOT NULL default '0',
`rec_date` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
`rec_time` time NOT NULL default '00:00:00',
`temp_in` decimal(3,1) NOT NULL default '0.0',
`temp_out` decimal(3,1) NOT NULL default '0.0',
`dewpoint` decimal(3,1) NOT NULL default '0.0',
`rel_hum_in` tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '0',
`rel_hum_out` tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '0',
`windspeed` decimal(3,1) NOT NULL default '0.0',
`wind_angle` decimal(3,1) NOT NULL default '0.0',
`wind_direction` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
`wind_chill` decimal(3,1) NOT NULL default '0.0',
`rain_1h` decimal(3,1) NOT NULL default '0.0',
`rain_24h` decimal(3,1) NOT NULL default '0.0',
`rain_total` decimal(4,1) NOT NULL default '0.0',
`abs_pressure` decimal(4,1) NOT NULL default '0.0',
`rel_pressure` decimal(4,1) NOT NULL default '0.0',
`tendency` varchar(7) NOT NULL default '',
`forecast` varchar(6) NOT NULL default '',
UNIQUE KEY `timestamp_gmt` (`timestamp_gmt`)

1 comment: said...

La Crosse Products are available here also, I simply rely upon site for buying Weather Stations, Anemometer, Brethlyzers Battery Chargers etc. They provide efficient service and delivery.